Sunday, May 1, 2011

Some stuff

My roommates and I. Charcoal/gouache painting.

Bob, our sometimes model. Charcoal painting.

My roommate, Edward, sitting on our old couch, surrounded by umbrellas. Pencil work. Camera got mad about it, updating a better version soon.

A bunch of colored observation drawings. I turned this in for a project, but it's something I would consider for fun or practice.

Some drawings I made on paper placemats last night, making them most recent. We went out to a Vietnamese restaurant to celebrate a friend's final recital, and eight or nine people showed up and got all cozy at the same table. Excellent creative fodder, but tragically the placemats are flimsy and don't like to be scanned. That will teach me to bring my sketchbook next time.

Just for fun, here's a drawing of some of Pokemon I made a couple of months ago.

Next post: some watercolors and even more drawings.

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